In recent years equity become a buzz word in corporate, non-profit, and philanthropic spaces. Beyond statements and principles, COVID-19 has birthed an opportunity for institutions and individuals to return to the basics of being in community and being of service. In times of crisis and high stress, humans don’t always respond as our best and most strategic selves. In fact, stress is actually a trigger for bias activating the subconscious mind that cuts corners and jumps to conclusions.
COVID-19 has uncovered gaps in many crisis responses plans and disaster protocols; but what if I told you that through applying a lens of equity and inclusion your organization could emerge post pandemic with a more highly engaged workforce, better brand reputation, and an expanded base of consumers. Below are a few equity-based guiding principles that could pave a stronger path for your organization’s future:
· People over Process- process is designed to create order but in the current environment process often times becomes a barrier to access. Where there are barriers, opportunities for all often becomes a benefit for some.
· Look beyond the impact, seek to understand the effects- In order to truly be responsive to the need it will take leaders leaning in with humility and going beyond what’s known, instead seeking to understand the effects at an individual level.
· Celebrating difference and promoting mutual respect- Are messages landing across dimensions of difference? Many communications are tone deaf and missing the WIIFM- what’s in it for me.
Curious about how you might apply these guiding principles to your work? Calibrated Lens, LLC has a team of experts on hand waiting to coach you and your teams thoughtfully through this crisis.
©Calibrated Lens, LLC
